Hi everybody!
Beanie boo village has a new faces all the time, its so fun! I remember when it was only me and bamboo (the panda), at least thats what it felt like cause we are neighbours and best friends so i wasn't really hanging out with a
bunch of other people, but now i am! I sure do hope your favourite colour is pink, i know mine is because thats what your gonna see in a lot of videos...Well because
I am in them and i tots would love it if you joined me!
Thats us...So far! Well in case you haven't noticed (which i know you didn't because i am so pretty its hard to miss) I am the pink on in the middle. You don't see me; really? I am the pretty girl? The one with the cute ears, and a nose thats so adorable, the one with the bow! NO not the the giraffe with the bow tie... I am deeply hurt i have way better fashion sense..... Here... I know you saw me.
Is it clear now? Good ok guys gotta go my candy shop, if you want some drop by...
With lots of love,
Pinky the Pig